Vampires of the Paper Flower Consortium
Come for the evening, stay for eternity! Paper Flower Consortium is a podcast from the largest vampire coven in Seattle. Their stories are told by Loretta Fabron Onfoy, coven historian and librarian, in the hope that the modern vampire's way of life is not lost during the next great language transformation. Some tales in this anthology are horrific, some are droll, some are filled with misadventure--just like any eternal existence. Episodes sponsored by the Paper Flower Consortium's Business Community. The history is followed by questions from curious initiates. Want to ask Lady Loretta a question about vampirism? Have a topic you want to see discussed? Email info@paperflowerconsortium.com
Vampires of the Paper Flower Consortium
PFC (Bonus Episode 4): Halloween Special Apparition of a Terrier
Paper Flower Consortium's historian, Loretta Fabron Onfoy reads from the diary of Norma Mae Rollins, December 5th, 1951.
Norma is now safe from William, well-fed, warm, and educated via a private tutor, but existence with her vampire-grandpa, Derrik, is quite lonely, especially when Pascaline isn't around. After her lesson, she wanders the streets of Georgetown in the small hours before dawn. She hears a sorrowful cry which mimics her own pain and rescues a ghost dog. Thinking she might have a friend, she brings it home, not knowing the danger ghosts pose to vampires.
Warning: This episode is safe for most. Mild gore and descriptions of intense sadness, loneliness, and self-hatred.
Norma Mae Rollins voiced by Stevie Rae Causey
Derrik Miller voiced by Evan Witt
Lady Agata voiced by Jennifer Brozek
Ghost #1 and Workman #2 voiced by Dennis Roberts
Mother Singing voiced by Nikki Burton
Workman #1, Ghost #2 and Lady Loretta voiced by Elizabeth Guizzetti
Opening and Closing music: Loretta by Evan Witt. Learn More at www.wittynotes.com
Other Sound Effects:
Heart.wav by frantramp | License: Creative Commons 0
Beagle Howling.wav by frontiersoundfx | License: Creative Commons 0
(Note: No animals were harmed making the sound. Beagle howls on cue.)
DoorCreak.wav by 0XMUSEX0 | License: Creative Commons 0
Crying newborn baby child 2.WAV by the_yura | License: Creative Commons 0
Thank you for listening.
Social Media:
PFC INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/vampiresofthepfc/
ELIZABETH'S WEB: https://www.elizabethguizzetti.com/paperflowerconsortium
ELIZABETH'S INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/elizabeth_guizzetti/