Vampires of the Paper Flower Consortium
Come for the evening, stay for eternity! Paper Flower Consortium is a podcast from the largest vampire coven in Seattle. Their stories are told by Loretta Fabron Onfoy, coven historian and librarian, in the hope that the modern vampire's way of life is not lost during the next great language transformation. Some tales in this anthology are horrific, some are droll, some are filled with misadventure--just like any eternal existence. Episodes sponsored by the Paper Flower Consortium's Business Community. The history is followed by questions from curious initiates. Want to ask Lady Loretta a question about vampirism? Have a topic you want to see discussed? Email info@paperflowerconsortium.com
Vampires of the Paper Flower Consortium
PFC Bonus Episode 5: Transformative Holiday Traditions
Everyone wants to know how vampires celebrate Christmas! Loretta tells the story of the teenaged vampire, Norma. In a series of small kindnesses, her vampire grandpa reachs her by celebrating "modern Christmas Merriments." CAST: Norma ... Stevie Rae Causey, Derrik ... Evan Witt, Pascaline ... Gretchen SB, Agata ... Jennifer Brozek , Jeffery ... Ronnie Mason, Loretta ... Elizabeth Guizzetti, Sydella, Usher, & Operator... Nikki Burton
MUSIC: Intro/Outro: Loretta by Evan Witt. www.wittynotes.com Background Music: Waltz in AB "Farewell" & Rondo by Chopin| Deck the Halls, Cole| 12 Days of Christmas, Holden|God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, Robuck, Lamburt| Christmas Waltz, Mcquillan| Ding Dong Merrily on High, Riley Other Sounds: Dark Ambient - 021, Jalastra| Antique Wall Clock, Staget| Kitchen, Psykophobia| Sleighbells, SE2001| Pavement, JohnsonBrandEditing| Cars by Joanaa_00| Heart by frantramp|
Thank you for listening.
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PFC INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/vampiresofthepfc/
ELIZABETH'S WEB: https://www.elizabethguizzetti.com/paperflowerconsortium
ELIZABETH'S INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/elizabeth_guizzetti/
Paper Flower Consortium Bonus Episode 5: Transformative Holiday Traditions
V.O: Paper Flower Consortium Bonus Episode 5: Transformative Holiday Traditions
Recording by Loretta Fabron Onfoy, former lady of the Kingdom of France and current historian and librarian of the Paper Flower Consortium.
CHAPTER 1: Holiday Traditions Change
Welcome back, beloved initiates and other listeners,
Many initiates are fascinated by our holiday celebrations. The truth is like everything else we do, it changes generation to generation. As it is Christmas time, I shall inform my dear listeners, that before 1951, we never had a Christmas celebration in the modern sense of it.
Perhaps this seems strange during this current age, when one think of how Christmas dominates American holidays. But in many places, historically, Christmas was a minor feast day compared to Easter and even Epiphany. And many current holiday traditions only became popular in America after the Victorian or Post World War II eras.
Prior to 1951, the Christians among us simply went into the chapel with our enthralled humans who were also Christian on Christmas Eve. We fasted for a night and day—though we ensured humans had water and young vampires had access to blood to protect the humans. And We prayed with word and sacred song. The last hour we performed a short service with Holy Communion.
At midnight on Christmas, we joined Jakub and Xiao along with any enthralled humans who were not Christian for a lovely shared feast. Most people now call this a potluck. Though William was Catholic, he did not attend the services or feast as he spent Christmas with his human sons or hunting.
There is a belief that Charles’ Second Born, Jeffery Paul Conway brought us into more modern celebrations as he modernized our church services. However, in truth, he still grieved as polio had devastated his family, taking his mother, pregnant wife and second child within her, and their first-born child. He was quite content to sit with Charles in devout worship.
However, Jeffery advised us and gave Derrik the information he needed to help Norma fit into the sphere of vampires she had found herself.
This story shows how altering holiday plus a few every night miracles would change Derrik and Norma’s relationship.
And truthfully, these new traditions in turn changed the coven to make it more attractive to American initiates and young vampires.
CHAPTER 2: Let us return to 1951
This story is a unification of Agata, Norma’s and Jeffery’s Diaries, plus my own records which included my sister’s and brother in law’s reports and dictations. Even Gaius had things to add to this story. If you have not listened to the previous lessons which tell Norma’s story, just know: Norma was fourteen when she was accidently created by the vampire William. Afterwards he claimed her as his daughter. William was executed for a hundred crimes to humanity and vampires. And William’s creator Derrik brought Norma into his home. For anyone who has forgotten both Norma and Derrik are telepaths.
By the 1950’s, society knew of Gross Reactions due to Previous Trauma could be found in battered children. Later this would be called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder -- it was thought once the child was removed from the situation, the fear would fade. And Norma was safe with us.
However, Norma was not the only one who was afraid. And the elder vampires, myself included, really ought to have seen this coming.
In 1842, Derrik was offered the position of Jakub’s Second Born, he used this opportunity to become an attorney and a gentleman who married a noble-born lady, Pascaline. But haunted by his youth, Derrik always felt as if he had to be the best gentleman. And Derrik got it in his head that for Norma to survive, she must be the perfect young lady.
As it was 1951, Derrik did not know how to guide her in this, much less how to deal with the panic attacks. He did not want Pascaline to travel. However, she had to finish coven business before the calendar turned to the next fiscal year.
So let us Return to 1951:
Perhaps, my love, Norma needs a change of scenery. Lord knows she is not happy here when you’re gone.
But who knows what might happen with vampires outside the coven if she has a gross reaction?
You promised you’d help, but all you do is lavish her with affection then leave me alone with her. When you leave she becomes insolent.
Even when you’re here, you get her during the night hours when she is well-behaved. You’re protected by day-terrors by a front door.
You must do more than simply ensure her physical needs are met if you expect her to trust you, mon cher.
That she misses her mother doesn’t mean she rejects you. Certainly you know what it is to lose your beloved mother.
My mother was murdered, her mother is alive! It is not the same!
Forgive me. No. It is not the same.
DISTORTED: Norma was murdered by your lover and you did nothing.
Be clear, Pascaline did not say those words, but Derrik heard the accusation in her thoughts.
You’ve both been through a pronounced trauma and need time to adjust.
She is homesick and conflicted about being here. She will stop acting out once she trusts you.
And how shall I win this trust when she quarrels with every word I say?
Speak to her on subjects other than her schoolwork, stop scolding her for every little thing, and when I’m away, spend time with her in an pleasurable activity.
Such as?
Some of the radio programs she enjoys are amusing.
They are low class.
If you don’t wish to listen to the radio, then read to her. Or have her read to you. Or play Scrabble.
It’s in my parlor.
I give her everything and you want me to play with her too?
Do you know what I would’ve given to have some place safe when I was her age? To have enough food?
Pascaline could see her husband’s old pain rising up. She regretted saying anything about his mother. And truthfully, she was annoyed as well.
Or perhaps it is I who am annoyed by my brother-in-law as I tell this story. Our human mother also died in violence. Perhaps the circumstances are different, as our parents were causalities of religious persecution, but even three centuries later, I recall her and ache inside.
But let us return to the story.
All Norma must do is her lessons and be…
Be what, mon cher?
Well behaved. Grateful.
Norma ought to be more thankful?
In what century were fourteen-year-olds known for gratitude?
What if she makes another mistake?
Let her make mistakes. She’ll be fine.
Last time she brought a GHOST home.
And you handled it brilliantly.
Pascaline’s enthralled human told her the car was ready. She got onto her toes to kiss her husband’s lips. Walking out the door, she kissed Norma’s cheek and left.
I suppose I ought to report, They didn’t play scrabble or anything else that night. Norma had been eavesdropping or otherwise overheard their conversation. She went into her room and remained there. Derrik put on his hat and coat and went into the garden to sit with his mournful thoughts.
Now Derrik was not wrong. Norma tended to quarrel with him, and when Pascaline wasn’t around, Norma became even less compliant. Moreover, she did not sleep well. She certainly wasn’t sleeping the sleep of the dead.
Norma would nod off in her coffin, but habitually wake during the day. And Derrik found her either trying to find some place to hide or setting traps on the front door. Her heart racing. Bloody sweat staining her sleeping gown and her face discolored with bloody tears. And that day, December 14th was one of the worst.
What are you doing?
It’s way past our coffintime.
Norma held one of the kitchen knives if she might stab herself, but she didn’t.
Derrik realized she was trying to figure how deep the blade might cut if she plunged it into someone’s chest.
He wasn’t exactly afraid of the girl. Obviously, he is stronger, taller, he could physically control her if need be, though he loathed to do so. Also, he didn’t want to be stabbed. Even though vampires heal quickly, it would hurt.
She looked up. Her big hazel eyes, William’s eyes, stared at him. The girl was trying to dam up her pain, not allowing it to spill into the room where it might touch him. The way William used to before he completely lost his mind.
We need to get the cutlery sharpened.
Norma kneeled, still clutching at the knife. She crawled under the table and began taping it to the underside. It fell.
Don’t worry. I won’t let them hurt you either. Or Mary.
If you just slept the sleep of the dead, you wouldn’t be so fearful.
Does Pascaline keep her sword sharp? Tell her to sharpen it next time she’s home.
Norma shook her head, her dark curls falling over her face. Derrik wondered if he should pat her shoulder, but she picked up the knife.
He wished Pascaline was home. Pascaline knew how to disarm someone. He wanted to call Jakub or Charles, but then the coven might think the girl was deranged.
Norma taped the knife again, adding another strip of tape to hold it more securely.
It fell again.
Do we have better tape?
Norma, a lady doesn’t tape knives to the table.
But I see them…
Charles skinning a bear. Since there isn’t blood all over the hall, that mustn’t been real, but then I saw… (pause) Bill in front of his apartment.
And Bill said they are coming. And then he showed me.
I know he was dismembered and burned, but I thought maybe he’s not gone, because he’s a ghost like the dog was.
Maybe he came back for us.
Or maybe just you. He really loves you.
Bill loved you too.
Derrik did not believe William was a ghost. Yet part of him hoped it was true, even though he knew William would most likely be a malicious ghost.
I won’t let him hurt you again.
Who? Bill? Bill never hurt me.
No. That man who did it before. I don’t think he lives here and I won’t let him get in.
Now Derrik wasn’t sure if Norma was seeing his father, former master at the tin factory or someone else who was cruel to the orphaned boy Derrik once had been, but Derrik did know his memories were now entwined with hers and in her present reality.
No one has hurt me in over a century. That man is long dead.
(DISTORTED) Why in damnation did Bill not teach you to control your telepathy?
He didn’t want me to control it.
I just wish it all wasn’t so jumbled. Are you sure he’s dead? What if he’s a vampire too? Or a ghost?
The idea that any of the cruel men had been resurrected terrified Derrik.
But Derrik pushed those fears away before Norma expirenced them.
It’s not your fault you’re seeing these things, but you must return to your coffin.
(DISTORTED) Maybe I should tell her about the models.
Bill said it’s your art and I ought not to touch them because they can be fragile. I won’t. I’ll protect them if you want.
No. Don’t be mad at me. I didn’t touch them.
Norma, I’m not mad at you.
Listen to my words. Ignore any thoughts.
When I was first reborn, I saw and heard things too. I feared I was insane. Worse, I feared I could no longer practice law.
As we had a supply of matchsticks, I began building models.
It took practice to get my clumsy fingers nimble enough to not destroy what I built, but building models blocks everyone’s incessant mind babble.
But you’re not clumsy, they are all perfect.
You only see what I can do after a hundred years. My first attempts became firewood.
Perhaps, we might build something together tomorrow after I return home from the office.
If you get some sleep, I’ll show you. You ought to be well rested.
Norma’s lips quivered and bloody tears slipped down her cheeks. Then she took a shaky breath and nodded.
Okay, but I gotta check the doors. Stay behind me, just in case.
Knife in hand, Norma peeked out of the peephole. It was the middle of the day, no one was in the hall. Norma went to her room, but instead of her coffin, she slipped into her closet.
Rather than returning to his coffin, Derrik lay with his enthralled human, Mary. He tried to listen to her sweet regular heartbeat, but instead Norma’s broken heart pummeled against him.
Thankfully, Night came as it always does. As Pascaline was gone, Norma had her lesson in the library where Laurence was in full view of myself, Jeffery, and Charles who were finishing up Jeffery’s last year as an initiate.
This is nothing against Laurence, but after all, Laurence is the one who introduced William to us, and he still hunted humans. Moreover, he only became Norma’s tutor to pay back a loan he owed the coven. Still he was diligent about the job.
And Norma seemed to be in better than usual spirits. They discussed the book they were reading together. It was A Christmas Carol due to the season. When they stopped for lunch, I heard Norma tell him how Derrik was going to teach her how to build with matchsticks to help her quiet her telepathy. I remember hearing youthful excitement in her voice, the first time I ever heard it. After lunch, they moved on to mathematics. Laurence left around 3 AM and Norma spent the pre-dawn as she often did.
And Derrik had every intention of coming home at 6 am per usual, but he received a phonecall: a troll was stuck in holding at the Port of Seattle. The only holding cell big enough for him had a window and, of course, the sun would be rising in a few hours.
When Derrik didn’t return home, Norma felt her chest constrict in fury. She had done everything he always scolded about: she finished her homework, turned off the radio, cleaned up her art supplies, and dressed for dinner.
Then she started watching the clock. By seven, worries began.
She heard Mary’s heartbeat, she felt her fangs expand. But she denied her hunger.
By sunrise, Mary informed us Norma began whispering to herself and rubbing her arms.
Bill’s dead, he’s not here.
No, I won’t do it, Dad. I won’t. Not ever. You aren’t here.
Mary, do you think Derrik will be mad if I called the office? I’m getting really hungry.
Mary told her she should call, because she had plans to go shopping that morning and Derrik was being inconsiderate to make them wait without calling.
Norma who already started to blame herself, did not notice Mary’s annoyance was directed at Derrik. She only felt Mary was annoyed.
Good Morning, Paper Flower Consortium Operator
Hello, this is Norma. Would you connect me with the Law Office of Derrik Miller, please?
Of course, Miss.
Norma scrunched her toes. Pain grew as the heartbeats around the coven grew louder.
The line is busy, dear.
I’m not feeling well. And I really need my grandpa. Please.
I’ll try his direct line …
As the operator tried to ring through, William’s voice pounded in Norma’s ears. His furious rage grew within her because she refused to kill.
DISTORT No I won’t do it, Dad
She smelled the iron tinge in the air as Mary opened the bottle of cow blood. Cow’s blood would soothe her hunger, but Mary’s blood would be delicious.
Finally she was connected. Norma wanted to be relieved, but Derrik said:
I can’t talk to you right now.
When are you coming home?
I don’t know.
But I’m hungry.
Then eat dinner and remember to finish your lessons.
I already finished my lessons. I’m …
Norma, I have to go. Be good and mind Pascaline.
Pascaline’s gone, it’s Friday, remember?
Yes. Of Course. That’s actually part of the problem. Tomorrow, the offices will be closed.
I …
You’re old enough to behave like a young lady ought for a few hours. Good Bye.
DISTORTED I will not hurt anyone. No matter what happens I will not hurt anyone. I won’t. Not ever again.
Norma heard our enthralled human’s heartbeats across the hall. Then other heartbeats. There was so many people to eat. In her rising panic, a terrible fear filled her. What if this was one of Bill’s tests? What if Derrik believed in Bill’s experiments? What if William wasn’t a ghost at all.
Norma screamed in agony, but she only realized she screamed when Mary called out, “Norma, What’s wrong?”
Mary, get out of here.
By now, William filled Norma’s vision, the pain pounded through her eyes. Refusing to approach the enthralled human, she fell to her knees and covered her head.
I’ll make my own dinner and wash the dishes, just go. Please go. Derrik will be mad I ordered you around, but I said please. I said please!
Now for Mary’s part, though she had never seen Derrik in such a state, she was an experienced enough enthralled human to realize Norma was losing control. Mary backed out the front door and hurried to the infirmary.
When Lady Agata arrived, she discovered Norma under the table clutching a knife in one hand and tearing at a raw steak like a ravenous animal.
Get away from me!
You ought not to order elder vampires around, young lady. What in the world are you doing under the table?
No bodies to hide under.
Bill can’t make me anymore. He wants to hurt me or warn me maybe, it’s all so jumbled.
Eat your steak. I shall bring you a cup of blood.
Though it was not proper for a vampire to invite oneself in, much less stay for dinner, Agata decided to stay.
The girl bit into the meat ripping with her teeth as she had done so many times with William.
Once Norma finished her steak and cows blood, they spoke. Agata discovered though Norma was upset about Derrik’s broken promise, however she was also sure that Norma wasn’t just trying to get attention.
In five hundred years, Agata had seen several ravenous young vampires, in agonizing pain of bloodlust. She had heard the ramblings of uncontrolled telepathy twice, after Derrik was first transformed and later William.
Once Norma was calm enough to leave her hiding spot, Agata mixed her a sweet anise flavored sleeping draft and mesmerized her to help her continued sleep.
When Derrik returned home a little after 9, tired from a late day, he was surprised to see Agata sitting on his couch, reading a small leather book: Norma’s diary
Good morning, Derrik.
An icy coldness leeched from Agata as she snapped the diary shut. He wanted to run, but as it would be futile and terribly rude, he did not.
Good morning. Where is Norma?
Asleep. I gave her a draft, as after this day, Norma shall never suffer again. One way or the other.
She is not suffering any worse than I.
If you want to make it a contest, I shall ensure you win.
Norma shall meet her final death, drugged, but you shall not be if we must prune the family tree.
Derrik felt stinging rain across his body as Agata’s mesmerism slid over him. He knew he should have ran.
Tell me, was she truly an accident?
I believe so.
You reported the child had occasional day terrors featuring William, but not ongoing waking dreams, remembering and remembering violent beatings that broke her bones.
Did you know?
Yes. She was hiding injuries when we brought her home which is why Xiao and I offered our blood. We were connected when her bones shifted back into place.
Why does Norma’s diary assert over and over that you hate her? Have you hurt her?
I-I would never lay a hand on a child. She is simply hysterical.
Though some of her words are no doubt exaggerated by Norma’s inexperience, if this is even half correct,
I am very disappointed in you.
Derrik did not know how to answer, but it didn’t matter, Lady Agata was not finished. And no one interrupts the mother of our bloodline.
You see, Agata may be kind hearted, but one ought to never forget, she also destroyed the ancient vampire who created her and helped overthrow Gaius when she was only eight nights old.
How dare you claim she is here by your charity?
I was just trying to make her listen. She quarrels all the time.
We NEVER said such a thing to you.
Did Jakub or I judge you for what you were, what you did to survive before you found us? Never.
I was employed by Jakub.
And I made you his son. And we allowed you to marry my First Born!
In her diary, Norma claims she has no friends, no family. Why would a girl living with her grandfather claim that?
She’s broken.
As are many who have lived with monsters.
Tell me the truth now, did you claim Norma as your progeny so Pascaline wouldn’t leave you?
How do you know that?
It is in your granddaughter’s diary! Should I read you her sorrow?
I never wanted her to know. I told her not to read minds.
It took you and William years to completely control your telepathy, why do you think your granddaughter can magically she controls hers after mere months?
Please stop calling her that.
Fine. Do you care about your progeny at all?
I gave up my study. I bought her an expensive coffin that she rarely sleeps in. My food and blood costs have doubled.
Pascaline buys Norma clothes constantly, and
I have to see Laurence Roch every damn night, with the knowledge my wife….
I would not blame Norma for that if I were you. You and Pascaline opened that can of worms on your own.
I don’t blame Norma for any of it.
But I haven’t gotten a full day’s sleep in the month Norma has been here. She cries constantly. She sets traps around the house. She hides in closets.
Last night she was playing with the knives!
Strange you left Mary alone with her if you believe her dangerous.
No not dangerous, just argumentative. I dare not speak of her hysteria, because I fear the others might think she is deranged.
Oh and she think Bill is a ghost.
She told me.
Perhaps it was wrong of us to assume you wanted to know the joys of parenting.
If there is joy, I haven’t witnessed it yet. All I do is worry.
What worries you?
Someone might destroy her. But no matter how much I warn her, she refuses to act like a lady.
Oh, Derrik, do you actually believe that?
Jakub will raise his sword if Norma becomes a danger to the coven, not for quarrelsome behavior.
I’ve said before Derrik was too strict, but now Agata could see why. She recommended similar advice to that which Pascaline gave. And Derrik promised Agata he would get through one night without scolding Norma or quarreling with her.
However, when Norma woke up in the evening, she was even less compliant. And she knew exactly how to how to annoy him.
Norma did not dress before coming to breakfast or even brush her hair so her curls were wild and frizzy. She did not say good evening to him.
Even so, she was polite to Mary and handed her a letter of apology for falling into bloodlust.
I apologize I came home late last morning. I ought to have had Mrs. Torez call for me, before she left.
Norma didn’t answer. She sipped the bowl of blood which Mary put in front of her. Though Derrik did not like her attitude, he refused to take the bait.
A client’s existence was in peril. They put him in a cell with windows. I can’t tell you more than that without mentioning privileged information.
Norma still didn’t answer.
You’re feeling better now?
Norma nodded, but still didn’t speak.
And I spoke to Pascaline last morning. She found a new Christmas dress she wants to buy you.
But you would rather me wear my church dress?
Derrik hated how Norma sometimes put a statement in the form of a question, but he said:
We thought you might like to wear something new for the Christmas worship and feast.
But YOU want me to wear my church dress, because it is only a month old and you hate how much I cost.
I don’t hate how much you cost.
Then why do you constantly complain about it?
I may’ve been surprised at how much girls’ things cost, but I haven’t complained about it.
(DISTORT) Yes, Derrik.
Derrik felt the distance and distrust grow between them. But he couldn’t think of another happy topic, so he stuck with Christmas.
Derrik explained how the coven celebrated; he loved the Christmas fast and feast. He loved the feeling of contentment that he felt with the coven and his creator in the warmth of our quiet chapel.
He expected her to somewhat excited.
Yet her eyes exposed she was on the edge of crying. He saw a series of images in her mind. Most of them featured her mother or friends from her church or school. Or that boy she had once kissed.
Please speak. It is not polite for me to guess what is on your mind.
What’s special about Christmas—except that it’s a really long church service?
There’s not an organized service. It’s more of a personal worship.
And we have to do this all day?
Does Xiao have to go?
Of course not.
Then why do I?
Norma, you are a vampire and a Christian.
And I must behave like one, I heard you the first hundred times.
If that’s your attitude about it, then you don’t need a new dress.
Good. Then I don’t have to hear how you’re “surprised’ by the cost.
Norma put her fingers as quote marks around the word “surprised.”
Don’t quote at me, young lady!
(DISTORTED) Damn it!
Derrik was annoyed with himself as he, a century old vampire, had been baited again by a fourteen year old girl.
I’ll be cold, but the icy water won’t kill me. I might make it.
Norma was correct, she could make it to Issaquah, we never doubted that. But to get there she must have blood.
Even if somehow you made it home, you might destroy her in your bloodlust.
I know. Why do you think I stay here? (Sniff)
Her grief was raw and tainted with guilt of regular childish mistakes and the guilt she felt for the part she played in William’s crimes. And his execution.
Derrik removed his handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her.
Because I told you a hundred times?
Her mind raced through images, mostly picture shows trying to figure out how to behave in this instant.
As for Christmas, I want you to show your gratitude to God for all He has given us as vampires and you personally.
If you need to sleep, return to your room. Or if you need more blood, you may ask Mary or Aldo. They will be there.
Is anybody going to do anything scary?
He caught a violent image cross her mind that didn’t seem to have a place there. It must be from another picture show. She really had seen way too many films.
Well, sometimes, Agata sings her old medieval songs.
Songs? Like carols?
They are improvised.
If they are improvised, how can they be old?
I would do a poor job of explaining, but we could ask the ladies to enlighten you.
Will anyone sing newer carols? The ones I would know? I know some old ones too — as old as you at least. They are churchy.
While most of the women’s carols are in French, I’m sure you’ll know some of them, and if you give Pascaline and Loretta enough time to learn the melodies, they might accompany you in any song you like.
Your mind moves very quickly. Why are you thinking about Charles Dickens?
I was just curious if before you were a vampire, was Christmas church all day too?
I didn’t celebrate Christmas when I was a boy.
But in A Christmas Carol…
No matter what Dickens wrote, no one I knew celebrated Christmas. If it happened to be Sunday, I had the night off as the factory was closed.
People sometimes said Happy Christmas in greeting, but that was about it. Most people couldn’t even afford to celebrate Easter.
I am going to pause for a moment, you see what is about to happen is just a little thing. So small that non-vampires and even initiates might not understand.
In that moment, Norma looked down at her bowl of blood and Derrik worried that she was about to skitter away to her room, or start quarreling or call him a hypocrite. But she didn’t do any of those things. Instead there was the first of many small wonders between them: She just asked:
So I guess Santa didn’t visit you?
It was Father Christmas in England, but he only visited the wealthy, never anyone I knew.
My mom used to put an orange in my sock and said it was from Santa.
It is genuinely amazing how inexpensive produce is in America.
Norma twisted her fingers around the handkerchief in a girlish way. She often did this when she got nervous.
Derrik knew he would not like where this conversation was headed, but as Agata and Pascaline instructed him, he needed to listen to Norma.
Lots of stores hire extra help this time of year and since the sun goes down early, I could help with expenses.
Focus on your studies. And I believe I told you not to read minds.
I don’t need to read your mind to know you worry about money all the time.
Whenever Pascaline wants to buy me anything, you have the same look on your face that my mom had when I grew out of my clothes.
There is an eternity to find meaningful gainful employment.
Are you sure? I used to feed the sheep before school, muck out the stable after and I was a babysitter.
A babysitter means minding an infant?
Yes. But nobody needs a babysitter here. Or has any sheep.
No, we don’t.
And I helped Bill with his experiments.
Maybe I could help you in your office or take a shift on the switchboard. Then I won’t be a charity case and you needn’t worry about money.
Perhaps my old worries spill into you, but I can afford everything in our existence.
Other than occasional days of physical work with Jakub, my initiation years were spent learning to read and write followed by my apprenticeships in business and law.
Though you are already a vampire, we might consider these years your initiation period.
When Norma didn’t immediately argue with him, Derrik kept talking.
I never have had to provide for anyone, but I want to provide for you so you may have whatever childhood is left to you, my lamb.
Norma smiled for a moment and suddenly Norma didn’t resemble William quite so much.
Now understand, beloveds, if you look at portraits of William and Norma, they look very much alike, but William’s expressions had slipped away from her face when he called her: my lamb.
And in an instant, it returned and Derrik heard her think:
Wait. Was that another dig at my mom’s farm? How can I tell? I wish Pascaline was here. It’s so easy to read them when they are together.
No, it wasn’t an insult.
When I was a lad, I was afraid of the vampires I found myself with, actually I was afraid of everyone.
But Agata was kind to me and she used to call me that, but if you don’t like it, I won’t say it.
Norma didn’t answer. He could feel her trying to decide what to say, her ache for her mother.
But he felt something else. She wanted to trust Derrik and the rest of the vampires, but she didn’t know if she could. To trust us meant she needed to have faith that trust was even possible.
Trying to think of some way to make her happy, Derrik said:
Now, if you please, tell me about your favorite modern Christmas merriments. Perhaps, we might enjoy some of them.
My mom and I always made candy and gave it to all our neighbors.
I’m not really a good cook, what else?
Well, we decorated the house. When are we decorating your house?
This is your home too. I suppose...whenever you want. Christmas is only ten nights away now.
And there is the second miracle. Nothing is more important than home to a vampire. And Derrik just told her she had a home.
But as I’ve said this is a story of transformations and even more happened!
Can we afford a Christmas Tree?
A Christmas Tree?
(DISTORTED) Isn’t that… Needles. Bugs. And you’re scared of fire so candles…
Please, I’ll keep it watered and vacuum up the needles. And most people use electric lights now, not candles.
Oh, I suppose, but don’t cause more work for Mary.
I won’t. Thank you.
May we get it tonight?
If you finish your breakfast and get dressed.
Derrik was startled to feel her real appreciation. It felt so different from the pretend gratitude, founded in anxiety, which he normally sensed coming from her. It was warm and soft as if she touched his hand.
38:09: A Christmas Tree
Now Christmas trees are an old tradition and while we were aware of them, it does not mean we understand the ins and outs of getting one.
So while Norma was dressing, Derrik, holding a stack of catalogues and the day’s newspaper in his arms, ran across the hall and up the stairs to Jeffery’s condominium.
Jeffery, if you please, I must speak with you about a matter of some urgency. I only have a half hour.
I need to know about Christmas.
Is this a trick question?
Modern Christmas.
I-I am taking Norma to buy a Christmas Tree.
That’s wonderful
We only have so many nighttime shopping hours and tomorrow everything is closed. I don’t want to bother Mrs. Torez at home, and embarrassed to admit my ignorance to Laurence.
Moreover, modern Christmas seems quite acquisitive in nature and many activities are geared toward younger children but Norma loved decorating a tree with her mother. She also loved making candy, but I don’t cook so I’m getting her a tree.
Please tell me what else to buy: there are so many products now. It’s befuddling.
Jeffery quickly explained the post war traditions of Christmas which were common all over America, specifically decorating Christmas trees, followed by Santa Claus, stockings, and presents.
May I ask if you have any gift ideas for Norma?
You know, you and Lady Pascaline ought to take Norma to a film. She talks about movies all the time.
Yes, but she … has strange ideas because of low-class films.
There are family films too.
In fact, there is a new version of A Christmas Carol in theaters this year. Didn’t she and Laurence just read the book?
Yes, they did. In your opinion, would this please her?
As long as you don’t say, you consider the film low class, my brother.
People might not remember this, or you might not have been alive, but the late fall and winter of 1951 was very cold for the normally mild Seattle. The temperature had dropped under 30 degrees Fahrenheit, and Derrik knew the roads, especially near the harbor, would be icy. The steep hills might be worse.
If he had not disappointed her the day prior, he might tell Norma another night. However, though Derrik might not have wanted to go, he admitted he was happy he went.
First of all, he was amazed how Seattle had changed since the last time he was downtown which I believe was in the Great Depression. And even then, he had only went to the court house, not as far north as the shopping district.
Even though it was chilly, downtown was full of people. The shopping district covered by several department stores all which encompassed a large city block each. In front of every store and on every corner there were Santa Clauses collecting money for the Salvation Army. Carolers sang and buskers performed for change. And a assemblage of nuns held a collections box for children of Europe who was still reeling from the last war. Derrik gave Norma a few bills to slip in their box.
What truly caught his attention was the lavish window displays especially the motorized train at the Bon Marche which led the passerby to the next window. He almost wished Norma was a little younger so he might spoil her with toys he never had. There were so many new colors: a spectacular array of dyes and paints. And he understood Pascaline’s desire to buy her clothing a little better.
In the traditional sense of the word, he was awestruck by the light displays. They were eerie beautiful, and bright, but terrifying. His pocket watch told him it was early evening, yet he feared the dawn might come and he would not be able to tell the difference. But Norma was born into a world of electric light, she did not fear it.
Out of the coven surrounded by life, Norma was transformed. Though this was a different, kinder age, Derrik feared Vampire hunters, or simply the type who were once cruel to him were there in the crowd. After all if vampires go Christmas Shopping, then it is logical vampire hunters go as well. And Norma had just lost control the night before, what if she attacked someone, but she was still full from breakfast.
And eventually, he took her hand to keep her close. He worried she might pull away, but she didn’t. She smiled him and gripped his hand tightly as she dragged him from one spectacle to the next.
For someone who suffered from day terrors and Gross Reactions, she had a surprising sense of adventure. Indeed, Norma hardly seemed the girl he had known for a month.
Though Norma had never been shopping in the city, Norma seemed to know who to talk to and where they were going. And Norma said Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays to everyone they met: the nuns,
Merry Christmas!
Doormen, elevator attendants, clerks, and the occasional young person.
Happy Holidays!
random Santa Clauses
Merry Christmas!
Derrik wondered if this adventureous girl was the one who survived the rite The one Bill had loved and claimed as his daughter. Yet, every once in awhile, he would look her in the face and Bill was there perched in her smile. This disappointed him somehow.
They picked out a gift for Pascaline and found a tree stand, a tree skirt, electric lights, baubles of the branches, and a star for the top of their tree.
The Christmas tree lot stayed open later than the stores so there was no rush there. Derrik told Norma to pick out whatever tree she wanted. She didn’t pick out the biggest fir, thank goodness, as our condos are generous, but they are still condos.
The man at the lot asked Norma if she was too old for a candy cane.
She was not.
Then the lot attendant sawed off the bottom off her chosen tree and tied it to the top of Derrik’s car.
Norma snapped the candy cane in two and handed him half while they waited. He was quite touched by her gesture.
You know, this is what I dreamed living in Seattle would be like. I wish we went out more often.
You do? I feel nervous.
Pascaline leaves the coven all the time. Why don’t you worry about her?
Who says I don’t worry?
And Norma nodded, suddenly looking older than her fourteen years. Yet, even with Derrik’s apprehension, Norma got her wish.
But before I go on, I must say something. After a century of marriage, its hard to surprise another vampire, but she was amazed at seeing Derrik’s parlor dressed for Christmas and she was touched to see a wrapped presnt for her under the tree.
I suppose, I should admit this twinkling manifestation of Derrik changing attitudes for his responsibility for Norma astonished us all. Now let me get back to the story.
On Jeffery’s advice, Derrik and Pascaline took Norma to the movies on the night of December 23rd.
CHAPTER 4: December 23, 1951 at the Colosseum
When they returned, Norma and Pascaline both spoke of the beauty of the ornate Greek Revival interior of The Colosseum Theater, which was an old movie palace originally built in 1916, but Derrik didn’t like the crowd of well-dressed humans moving into the theater as if they were cattle.
When Derrik told Mrs. Torez about the movies, his assistant reserved them a box so they had first class service and most importantly not to be so close to humans, that Norma might hurt someone if she got peckish.
The young usher her face covered in a film of sweat, found them quickly.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller?
The nervous girl led them to their private seats in the balcony where three glass wine glasses set on a little table. She wasn’t much older than Norma, but Derrik saw something in her face.
He recognized that expression, the hidden worry. Seating vampires were the least of it. A quick glance into her mind exposed she left school and provided for her mother and younger siblings.
Thank you, Miss. I should have no calls tonight.
Derrik passed the young usher a corking fee for the management and tipped the girl a twenty.
Looking at the bill, the girl paused.
Merry Christmas.
Can I bring you anything else?
Just do not disturb us during the film, if you please.
Derrik wanted to help the girl with her mother’s rent, but he also was anxious about Norma being too close to the girl.
She had fed on Aldo and they had a bottle of human blood on them which is why management left them the glasses, but even in their private box they were surrounded by humans and the theater was an enclosed space.
And Norma sat between Derrik and Pascaline without complaint as Derrik’s fears dictated.
And He peeked into Norma’s thoughts. She was excited for the movie and to share this with her mentors, she wasn’t attracted to the humans at all.
She looked up at him.
(DISTORTED) Drink your blood if you’re worried about the humans.
(DISTORTED) Drink yours so I don’t have to worry.
She dutifully took a sip and leaned towards Pascaline with an eye roll.
(DISTORTED) I say these things, because I don’t want anything bad to happen.
She took another sip.
The theater darkened as the newsreel began. More bad news about Korea and polio.
There was a strange short movie about animated ducks. Norma laughed at their antics as did the crowd below, but Derrik and Pascaline did not understand the thoroughly modern ducks other than they used the telephone and didn’t seem to get along with each other.
Then the theater was bathed in a slightly golden hue as the film, originally entitled, Scrooge, began.
This world was softer than reality.
Victorian London was much cleaner than Derrik and Pascaline remembered. There was horses on screen, but not excrement everywhere. The low repetitive music heightened the tension. The golden light caressed the green and burgundy fabrics most of the characters wore and smoothed their complexions. Humans and ghosts alike were kind. Well Except Scrooge played by Alastair Sim who threatened debtor’s prison and the treadmill to a delinquent tenant.
Derrik shivered at the callousness.
And she must have felt it, because Norma leaned over and squeezed his hand.
(DISTORTED) It’s just a movie. Don’t worry.
But in the end of the first act, when Scrooge’s cold sneer is removed from his face by the sight of his beloved sister, Derrik sensed something stirring beside him. At first he worried it was Norma’s bloodlust. But it wasn’t.
At this point in the narrative, the film made it very clear Ebenezer was a lonely boy whose father despised him and it might have been that Norma was simply relating to the character’s isolation.
But when Derrik turned to Norma, William was gone and he remembered how she looked sitting at his table trying to decide if she could trust him.
And that’s when he knew: William’s expressions were a shield. She had learned to mimic her creator. In order to survive, she became the child William had wanted. By reflex or strategy, now she played the girl she thought the coven wanted. But there had been moments when Derrik, and all of us for that matter, had seen the person Norma actually is.
And Derrik suddenly regretted how on the night he took her in he shut down her questions, because he worried what the other vampires thought…
Derrik made a promise to himself, he wouldn’t turn away from that person anymore.
Insertion: Though this is a story of many small miracles, there is no climatic Christmas miracle, where Norma is restored because Derrik had an epiphany. It took years for Norma to surmount her anxieties.
All right back to the story. What’s that modern term, oh yes: Spoiler alert: Scrooge ends with Scrooge’s redemption. And the lights of the theater rose.
Derrik and Pascaline wrapped their coats tighter around them as they left the theater, but Norma seemed immuned to the cold.
Can we go down to the waterfront and look at the ships all lit up in Christmas lights?
Derrik and Pascaline agreed to it as long as she buttoned her coat.
Going to the movies at night is so much fancier than during the day.
The Colosseum is pretty fantastic. So different than the tiny Issaquah theater I used to go to. Our old theater had removable seats so it could be a dance hall.
You know what going to a movie palace is like?
What, ma chèri?
It’s like how when people in the movies go to movies!
Did you have any trouble around the humans?
Did you like the movie?
How did you enjoy the film?
Oh, I loved it. Isn’t it interesting how they showed the lamentations of the spirts. I liked how they layered the film in that scene. At least I think they must have layered the film.
I think Scrooge was more evil in this version, compared to the 1938 version. This version felt closer to the book in someways, but further in others.
I wonder if they used painted cornflakes or foamite for the snow.
What’s foamite?
For that matter, what’s a cornflake?
Cornflakes are corn smashed in a paste and baked into a crunchy breakfast.
That sounds disgusting.
It isn’t for vampires, but it’s just bland.
Foamite is a movie secret, but I read it’s the stuff in fire extinguishers and soap. They used foamite in It’s a Wonderful Life and it worked so well, it’s still used.
Now Derrik and Pascaline had no idea what she was talking about except in context that there were other movies and one of them was called It’s a Wonderful Life. But she was so talkative and happy and most important to Derrik, he saw her real smile. So he asked:
Why wouldn’t they film in snow?
Sometimes movies are filmed in snow, but movie lights are really hot so they tried different things. Back in the 20’s, they used sugar and painted sawdust, but that could catch fire too easily.
But they could put the foamite wherever they wanted and can film whenever the schedule dictated.
Do all young people of this age know film tricks?
Some do, I guess. I used to study books on movies at the public library.
And why is that?
I think it’s interesting.
Norma smothered another thought. Derrik almost said something but fortunately Pascaline had seen the facial expression, so she corrected her. Actually, if there is any Christmas miracle in this story, it is Pascaline corrected Norma even in the smallest measure.
Please, Norma, don’t stifle your thoughts like that.
Remember, Derrik can hear you and he worries...
I used to want to go to Hollywood and do special effects, but Bill changed all that.
Now I’m a vampire.
Maybe it was a stupid dream anyway. It’s likely I’d have just worked on my mom’s farm.
Derrik and Pascaline exchanged glances. They wanted to tell her no dream is a stupid dream, but actually since there was no way Norma could go to Hollywood, they didn’t want to encourage her either.
Norma suddenly stopped talking. She clutched at her head and wobbled. Pascaline caught her by the waist before she fell onto the icy sidewalk.
I knew I should have made you drink another cup of blood.
Someone is here! Insects are all over me. Get ‘em off. Get em off! I won’t go!
And that’s when Pascaline and Derrik felt something ancient watching them. Something older than even Agata and Jakub.
I’m not lying!
We know. Stay next to Pascaline.
He’s blocking his thoughts from me, but I know it’s him. There’s secrets he doesn’t want me to know.
Pascaline clutched Norma to her chest tightly.
Sydella, the current Third Born of Gaius came out of the shadows. And Pascaline would inform us later that she was sure Sydella had carefully picked where to meet them so as not to scare the trio. The street was well lit, there were people around, cars going by.
Now Derrik is untrained in all matial arts and in general he is useless in such situations. But Derrik’s bravery is a miracle. He has always been brave, one must never forget it was Derrik who stopped that vampire hunter from hurting Alice in the 1890s and in 1951, he stood toe to toe with an elder vampire. Knowing full well, if Sydella wanted to cut him down she would have.
Sydella met eyes with my sister. Derrik could sense he was nothing to the solider which is accurate enough. Gaius only ever had eyes for warriors. Or future warriors in Norma’s case.
Also, Sydella is not an ancient, in fact, she is only a century older than Pascaline, Charles, and I, which is why Norma was sure Gaius watched from the shadows. Derrik and Pascaline agree with her theory.
Lady Aubinet, I have an invitation for you and your husband’s lover’s child to come to Duechland. It is time you reconsider entering our progenitor’s legion.
Why would I do that?
Why would you not?
Your sister is a grown woman and happily married. And the council is coming for the girl. We can protect her.
I don’t need your legion. I have Derrik and Pascaline.
I have always enjoyed the innocent words of the young. Derrik cannot protect you, Norma, may I call you Norma?
Our progenitor hasn’t seen such a powerful telepath since he and Phillipa, parted ways. Even stranger, her telepathy has not smothered her innate clairvoyance as it does in most vampires.
Gaius offers his protection. As we knew you would be absurdly attached to the girl, Lady Aubinet, he re-offers you a place in the Legion.
We have a castle with many underground rooms, dug so deep that we were not touched in the last war’s bombing.
The council will never find you.
Moreover, we have many sick and starving in Europe. There is plenty to eat.
So there are actually vampires who act like Dracula?
There are many. You’re fortunate that most ancient vampires still don’t travel during the winter or you would already have met final death or worse.
And you want me to hide in your castle?
(DISTORTED)Want me to go?
Listen, now, Julia is hidden and safe, but they killed David.
Maybe you should. She is right, I can’t protect you from the council.
But, of course, those thoughts didn’t matter. Derrik had taken her to the movies and shopping in the city. And she was young and didn’t want to be stuck in a dingy castle in a country shattered by war when the United States was in a period of growth.
As Sydella talked, Norma felt Gaius grow closer, he didn’t want to be seen or he would be. He wasn’t afraid. He simply wanted plausible deniability that he was in the city.
Norma felt his secrets push towards her again, but Norma could not spare her energy to read the ancient’s mind when she must understand Sydella’s words.
I’m not going anywhere with you, Sydella.
I want to stay here with Derrik and Pascaline.
Very well, Lady Aubinet, bring your husband along. The girl is attached to him, so he has his uses, but your lover is too weak to be an asset.
I don’t want to leave Seattle. And I don’t want to hide. You can’t make me leave, none of you can.
Norma has been quite clear in her desire to remain with our coven.
You know, frauline, your so-called protectors discussed whether or not to kill you. More than once.
I know.
If you won’t come, then listen.
They may try to trick you. They test with silver, sun, earth. Or perhaps, if they are clever, they will only test you once with silver, claim you died, and keep you.
A telepath is a valuable commodity.
And Agata and Jakub dismembered a powerful telepath due to a little excessive hunting. Such a waste.
I’ll think on all you said, but I’m staying in Seattle. I don’t want to hide in a moldy old castle.
They’ll come after the frost, but before Spring lengthens the days in the old New Year.
Sydella disappeared into the darkness, faster than they could see where she went. Derrik tried to hide his tremble, but couldn’t.
Norma slipped under his arm.
You didn’t need to worry, I wasn’t gonna go anywhere with those creeps.
You shouldn’t call powerful vampires creeps.
But she is a creep.
Sydella is lecherous. She is undoubtedly a creep.
Fine, she’s a creep, but calling powerful vampires derogatory names is a bad habit.
Why’d Sydella have to ruin Christmas, we were having so much fun.
Do we have to go home now?
The hour is not late and we are presently safe. Enjoy the moment, Derrik.
I suppose if you still want to go look at the ships we can.
You are taking this news very well, Norma.
But we already knew, Bill’s ghost told me. I just didn’t know when. Unless Sydella was lying, they won’t be here till spring.
So now I have time to plan.
But Derrik’s mind spinning, trying to decide what he would tell Agata and Jakub. Was it possible that William was a ghost? A ghost who came back to warn them?
Well, It seemed implausible. I have seen much in these centuries.
She took her husband’s arm as they walked westward. As Norma used the hills to slide on ice with ever increasing speed, Derrik bit his tongue instead of telling her to be careful.
It is possible that Norma knew they were still being watched. Or it is possible that she is simply foolhardy because she was so young. And maybe she even knew that if she fell, Derrik and Pascaline would pick her up again.
Norma doesn’t remember.
What she does remember about that night is how they stood on the waterfront at Alaska Way, the newly constructed viaduct and its never ending low roar of trucks and cars rising above the sound of lapping water. And she remembers how, she Pascaline and Derrik choose which were their favorite light displays on the ferries, cranes, fireboats, and freight barges which lined Elliot Bay that night.
Norma picked out a fireboat as her favorite. I remember it well, because it was the first matchstick miniature that she and Derrik created together.
As the clock edged towards midnight on Christmas Eve, Derrik and Pascaline told her it was time to go home and drink some blood before their fast.
Now Norma did come into the chapel without complaint, but after the second hour she began whispering to Derrik, interrupting his prayers.
So I slipped over to my sister and brother-in-law and whispered:
Norma, have you prayed for everything you want to pray for?
Then you ought to see Jakub.
And Derrik opened his mouth, but I looked at his face and tried to think at him:
(DISTORTED) Just let her go. There is a surprise upstairs for her.
Very well, you can go, but don’t be quarrelsome.
I remember after awhile how pleasant the smell of candied oranges and chocolate drifting down toward us was.
Because there is a benefit of a coven which is predominantly a family unit. And that is everyone knows everyone else’s business. Of course, sometimes this also is a liability, but on this night, it was a benefit.
You may remember how Derrik told Agata he was worried Jakub might destroy Norma and
And Agata told all of her offspring that Derrik needed our support. I believe her exact words were:
He is more distressed than a first-time mother with a fussy infant. And this distress echoes into Norma and intensifies her anguish which adds to his.
And you may remember how Derrik told Jeffery how Norma loved making candy with her mother. And Jeffery mentioned the candy-making to Jakub and Xiao.
After Norma left the chapel, she ran upstairs where she found two vampires and a couple humans who were more than happy to listen to radio plays and secular music, make chocolate fudge with ribbons of orange marmalade, wrap said candy in pretty paper and set them in front of occupied apartments and deliver them to staff. They even went over to the Night Owl and visited a few lonely vampires and the troll who was stuck in Seattle.
Moreover, this was a gift to Derrik and Pascaline as well. They could continue their fast and worship without concern over Norma’s well-being or fear that she might harm someone.
Though to be clear: Norma did not cause any difficulty, she was polite and pleasant company all night.
And of course, now-a-nights, the eldest vampires still fast and complete a personal worship, but most of my children even of the Christian faith, come to the personal worship for an hour or two and celebrate the American version of Christmas with Norma and Jakub and Xiao.
While these traditions are sometimes new to elder vampires, they are still older than the youngest vampires’ years of life and undeath. One more thing: Even after all these years, Derrik and Norma still go Christmas Shopping together and decorate their apartments for the holidays.
And I shall return in the new year as we have three more lessons and I shall tell the story of Norma’s examinations with the council after the old New Year. So have a good day, beloved initiates, and sleep the sleep of the dead.
Tonight’s amazing cast include
Stevie Rae Causey as Norma Rollins
Evan Witt as Derrik Miller
Gretchen SB as Lady Pascaline
Ronnie Mason as Jeffery Conway
Jennifer Brozek as Lady Agata
Elizabeth Guizzetti as Lady Loretta
And Nikki Burton as Switchboard Operator, Nervous Usher and Sydella
For more information about the show, please visit: www.patreon.com/paperflowerconsortium.
And while you are there, If you have a question for Lady Loretta send her a message, or email her at info@paperflowerconsortium.com If you want to support the show, please like and share this episode. Or consider donating either one time or through the patreon.
Royalty Free Versions of the Background music was purchased at Pond 5 or Storyblocks. Sound Effects were created by Elizabeth Guizzetti or found at the Free Sound Project. Full credits in the show notes below.
The intro and outro music was written by Evan Witt. You can learn more about his music at www.wittynotes.com
Thank you for Listening and Happy Holidays!